BC515... OMG

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BC515... OMG

Post by smcfaul » Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:22 pm

Hi Folks,

I took ownership of a new BC515 powered by a GBC1000 a couple of weeks ago and I haven't been able to keep a smile off my face since... I feel the need to let the BC nation know just how good this DAC is!!

Since selling my BC507NB a few years back, I have been missing that weighty, full, palpable sound that BC Dac's are designed to do. Since then, I have either owned or had extended in home demos of high quality dac's like the Meitner MA-2 (DAC/transport), Luxman DA-06, Bryston BDA3, Unison Research UNO (DAC/transport) and a Chord Hugo TT to name a few, but still I was missing my BC507NB... Until now...

With just under 300 hours on my BC515 it is really starting to sing... That weighty, full, palpable sound is back in spades! As equally as impressive is it's ability to bring out micro details of the music while maintaining that rich, fully bodied sound. Music just flows effortlessly with a super black background with tons of air and separation of instruments. This thing is truly euphoric and has transformed my system more than any other component has done.

No other DAC I have heard even comes close to the performance of Gilbert's new BC515. I can't imagine anything even being on same planet, regardless of price.

Thanks to George Taylor of Entracte Audio and the awesome work of Gilbert, I am in audio heaven once again... Simply mind-blowing!!


Bob Neill
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Re: BC515... OMG

Post by Bob Neill » Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:31 am

This is good to hear!

Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:43 pm

Re: BC515... OMG

Post by S_stas » Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:49 pm

Just bought and upgraded a BC507NB... Saw this and had that instant moment of "maybe I should have waited"... :) Oh well.

Ice Man
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Re: BC515... OMG

Post by Ice Man » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:27 pm


Congrats on your new dac. You should not have any regrets. You bought an awesome dac, and I would be very surprised if it does not give you a tremendous amount of musical satisfaction. Remember, due to the high number of caps-- lots of filtering -- allow for sufficient break-in time for optimal sound quality before passing final judgement. I think you will be very pleased.

Buying a Blue Circle unit gives you peace of mind that when you are ready for an upgrade, Gilbert will design and/or upgrade based on how much you feel comfortable spending-- welcome to the world of BC custom designs. I have been a customer for almost twenty years-- you always get performance based on what you pay for. I have never had buyer's remorse with BC.

Enjoy your great dac. Don't worry that Gilbert has come up with a new design-- he is always thinking of them. We can't keep up! But, when you are ready, he and his dealers will be ready to build/design/upgrade as far as you want to go; the sky is the limit with BC.

Happy listening,

Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:43 pm

Re: BC515... OMG

Post by S_stas » Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:11 am


Thank you for the words of wisdom. I am definitely a new "family member" here, but I'd say I jumped in head first with BC... There are quite a few blue lights to keep me warm while listening :)

I think my moment of wanting was mostly to do with the "new shiny thing" syndrome, but I am very happy with the DAC, which was a big upgrade for me in any event.

Its funny you mention the DAC needing burn-in time. I would say that this component may have the most noticeable changes during that process that I've experienced. It is sounding very nice now with ~100 hours on it. At first there seemed to be some frequencies that were accentuated, and some that were dull, but things are coming together nicely now.

